We apologize greatly for the incident. Seems to be over so, with an email sent yesterday morning, the case of the municipal council of Lecco - Prashanth Cattaneo - made object in Milan last Friday of a bad episode of discrimination by an agency to distribute the gadget gift. The young Lecco - of Indian origin but adopted at the age of 10 months, Italian in every respect - had reached a friend with a Congolese station advertising in front of the central station and the palace of Pirellone but was refused a gift in the kit distribution with the excuse that "it was not Milan," and before the inevitable complaints, "that was not Italian." As if to be entitled to an ordinary gadget was the discriminating color Skin ... Troubled from happening and for a mere matter of principle, the young city councilor in Lecco - 25 years old, graduated in Milan, journalist and engaged in a non-governmental agency - had decided to fully clarify the incident and had telephoned agency in charge of the distribution. Receiving, without embarrassment, the same answer: the gadgets were only Italians in distribution because it had been added, the customer wanted. The case had become public knowledge with the article published Saturday on "The Province of Lecco" and that had the involvement of other national media. How much is enough , ultimately, to induce the agency to rectify the shooting. "Dear Prashanth - reads the mail sent to young Lecco - the distribution is being made to a public resident in Italy (this only matters to be in competition) and over the age of 30/33 years (Men and Women) . Our personnel engaged in distribution was then formed to distribute the kits to people who meet these requirements. " short, a way around the problem and avoid further problems. "I hope that is not received the kit - we read - as a matter of age and not at his residence. Later it will be in the distribution kit for the age group 20/30 years and then with products and services tailored specifically to their age group. Anyway thank you very much for your very useful report and we will pursue this matter with the distribution team to reiterate that it is not necessary to be born in Italy, but simply to be resident in Italy (and not necessarily in the city of Milan). We greatly apologize for the incident, cordially. " The individual notes and "satisfied" the wave of indignation raised. "Let's say that it has closed" good "- Comment - The fact remains that the person who answered the phone did not define serious the boy's behavior, which distributed but since there is no documentation - The call is not recorded - perhaps it should be "close" the case. " Source: The Province of Lecco
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