smiles and charts
In this world that loves the competition thought, indeed were (and still are) convinced that not everything must necessarily be bound to end in a ranking. And that, on certain issues, the medals are not made of precious metals, but of smiles, love, hope and excitement married to the future. Try to imagine doing a ranking of the loves of a life or perhaps, in large families, what are the favorite sons. Or make yourself a coffee table to choose whether to award the gold medal with mom or dad. Impossible. At least: it is for us. The same applies for the job, especially when this requires quality rather than quantity. Adoption is one of those cases where the classifications - especially if quantitative - give us chills, and not for pleasure. Certainly not to shame in the face of numbers that speak of adoptions completed by Mehala 7 in 2010 against nearly 200 other (more) entities (entity) who (has) instead chose to emphasize with pride that their (his) record (Congratulations). Sorry for the authors of the list, maybe good for the Fiat assembly line, but here we are proud of the 7 Mehala adoptions completed last year. And not because they are many or few, but because they all have a story, a path, a dream come true, because sweat travels are won over with love and toil and travel that we shared together with "our" families. Here we a dream never come, one day, to cheer for a goal other than the smile of a child.
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