God of War drama You can not use an ironic title, you can not desecrate
Kratos: If only I venture to the fear of finding him in the house that you inform me of his coming to the balcony, smashing the telephone with its famous
Blades you rather than concrete!
I had the opportunity to play "here and there" in a very superficial and I was like: ok, but spectacular ... and is a bit slow ... bayonetta and is more of a bodybuilder pussy pissed ... and the game is Devil May Cry less technical .... and it's all scripted and bla bla bla ... (And did not understand the degree of emotion and excitement of my friend Raffaele
) (or commented Francis, who rose sarcastic rolling with a profusion of small buttons down the psp)
this cock! I admit to having thought about playing it wrong for years
HOW IT SHOULD have come to the conclusion that one of the best trilogies in video game history: today I will explain why, giving you a treatise on philosophy Nerd strict and "old way"
We start from the first basic principle of good video games:
From time immemorial a video game must feel a strong sense of empathy towards those "sprite" or "current models treddi" shares with fatigue, satisfaction, and (many) deaths. Very well: we can say without a shadow of doubt Kratos
that achieves a harmony with the common man sitting on the couch easily replicated.
Played beginning, ie from the first episode, note again that those defects had trumpeted for so many years, and then, gradually, something changes. The point of no return is probably the second leading maxirissa
GENOCIDE monsters, skeletons, and satyrs bestiume varied just enough time to make it look normal. Just then the character Kratos
enter under the skin and, oh my God, you begin to think like him slowly. And the symbiosis begins!
Vignette classical arrive, angry, a nice pack of monsters, some Cyclops a generic and a few giant harpy, all together. Under normal conditions a person, virtual and real, but armed with two swords attached to chains with less worse, or at least should be frightened, or at least try some sort of sense of challenge "can not" against the incoming bestiary. This probably happens to the point boundary. Then, of course, the thoughts of the average hack pad will be as follows:
"dirty monstrosity, I'm an angry black Spartan with the world and with the Gods, I have only two blades of ste fuck slut whore but as for me you're just worms, to be slaughtered in the most violent and can not try either to resist or to waste my time "
confusing orgy of blood, fury wake of the blades, only seemingly random (for the player is in control), combo 500 and passing shots, screams and even some cursing,
the belief that we can solve any problem life.
It does not matter if your opponent is a Cyclops, a gorgon, a deity, an F-16, an aircraft carrier full with all his godchildren ready to shoot, the Swiss Army ... no longer a difference.
And the rebuttal is when the game puts you face to face with the puzzle: The very first thought that blend into the head of the average player is "why the hell should I bother with these marvels of engineering the classical age? These problems can be solved immediately place smashing everything "... (and this is probably the biggest flaw of the game!)
... but maybe all that is wanted to ... increase the sense of frustration in the user identified with the help tragic figure of the man who massacred his family and is now desperate (and bloody) looking for someone who, it is assumed, will have to pay a high price.
And the boss battles?? As difficult does not detract from the player's mind the idea that "what chitemmuort minotaur and has no chance against you, that after the tenth attempt will end in an orgy of blood! (and not talking about the final boss, with whom I failed miserably, I admit) ... And the remarkable thing is that everything happens on time!
The problem then is that the process of identification is not only irreversible but heavily influence the real life in all its forms:
1) Road: If traffic is blocked because of an SUV parked "as it should "The first thought that rises in mind is to find the owner, wring the neck and smash his head on the hood
2) Report: Gaddafi," Bill Haden "hide and threaten sboroni? What nuclear weapons ... just go with a pair of swords and see if they do not stop (or send kratos and turn on RAI 1 at lunch and see the faces of the journalists who find the results)
3) Documentaries: If you see the description of a deity is not your first thought may be that "oh him? I killed him in this way "
4) Pollon: The same point three, but more likely to criticize the undignified behavior of the deity in question before thinking about the barbaric way in which you made it out
5) Classical Mythology: Hercules fights against the hydra? but I've already made off without much thought, Perseus fights Medusa counter with a mirror? Amateur, I've ripped the head! Ulysses resists the hand of clever techniques with sirens? I got them out. Theseus defeated the Minotaur in the famous maze? minotuari how I killed a little let's accounts .... Icarus? Done out. Poseidon? Ahahahha poor man. Athena? There were no cocks her ....
my book "Gods and heroes of Greek mythology" does not do anything more!
Practically you have become mentally ill ... and then say that video games are useless!
conclude by quoting the third episode, the beginning of history's most spectacular, violence galore, incredible graphics, great epic ... how can the PS3 handle that? Citing
Raffaele : "simple, is
Kratos that threatens the console and makes them do what they want "(for further proof of my thesis)