Theme: Surely you ever stopped in the year, reflecting the fact that humanity is troubled by serious problems such as war, poverty, drugs, racism, pollution, migration, ... reflecting on these issues, you expose yourself, state the reasons for your interest and express your ideas about
The topic "migration" I know him pretty well because I myself am a 'emigrated. We emigrated when I was seven and at that time I did not know why. Now that I've almost fourteen years I have realized alone, we are migrants from Thailand because my mother wanted a better life for me and my sister. I think we were lucky because we had the opportunity, while other people I did not have. What happened in Thailand until a few days ago it was horrible and it happened near the house where we lived, so I just thank my mom for having taken away from there. When I was in Thailand, what I remember, I was dirty and untidy, as well as our old house. I was always outside playing in puddles when it rained with my band and did tricks on people. I remember once my sister and my fourteen year old cousin, who was already pregnant, forced me to not go to school and go to playground with them. That's how my life before taking the plane for the first time and come here in a very different place than where I came. I'll tell you this to let you know why certain people migrate, why they choose your country: why yours is better than ours. Of course, even here there are bad things, because the evils are everywhere, but here is worse. Instead of complaining, be proud to know that we chose your country because it is better, be generous to welcome us with a bit 'of fun, be merciful and help us to live normal in your country, be patient and teach us your language, culture and your traditions, be curious to know us better, but above all be brave to admit that foreigners are to help you, serve and enrich you every day. So why I ask myself, why do not you want us to become one of you, why not open your eyes and see that a foreigner who works every single day deserve more than any other Italian to become one too? You have to stop being so racist and selfish. Think of how many new people you know, think about two lovers who must stay away just because he or she is a foreigner and do not have permission to stay! What is emigration? Leave their country of origin to elsewhere, so says the dictionary. According This is not just me. Emigration is a good thing. It is a way to meet new people, new places, languages \u200b\u200band traditions. Who knows how many people fall in love with you, think of your children know how many opportunities could have new experiences and new friends. Yes, migration is a very good thing!
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