Two words for the work of Cameron
The film was pumped virally, increasing expectations to levels not seen before, for my part I heard on the Internet the biggest shit of the earth and also probably pandora and went to the movies with the thought of yelling out "CEEEESSO."
But no! I guess that's a nice filmettino that some things aside, what gives the viewer, especially the young, asks plot really easy, a bit of action, just as stereotyped characters and a little "sense of wonder" that we adults do not fart now perceive, if not in childhood memories of movies when our mind in some respects was more sensitive.
do not agree in thinking that the script to the limits of the ridiculous, the plot plagiarized here and there and telefonatissima have to criticize: he was born to me as a film for children (I am convinced, for children Cameron, Spielberg, Lucas and Jackson) and as such offers what it has to offer, no one has ever complained of the plot cat in boots.
Nobody has ever complained also of banal plot of Star Wars or Lord of the Rings (and unlike the latter is not horribly slow and boring and even the puppets in CG are more expressive and less irritating to pirate) ... I expect in a movie like the battles, the good and bad bad guys (and here I liked Jimmy, giving us this hysterical bodybuilder worthy heir to a great tradition of bad and qaundo say bad bad bad say its bad ).
I'm obviously against inutilissimo 3d effect and the "CG fucking everywhere" and I, a lover of organic and special effects that still amazes me the wonderful scenery of Hook Captain Hook, I can not see the big cats blue fintissimi The pseudoscopiazzata flora & fauna of the planet and the "beautiful scenery" (taken from the imagination of paro paro Miyazaki and Roger Dean), but in the end I surrender to the "savings impressive set (but Please rigged blue people, fuck cats!)
Let's talk about the things that I did not like:
as it may approve the sms ecologist in its simplicity I have not too much more than the approved fund animism "filocristiano" of the whole thing (and L'Osservatore Romano criticized ... hahahah) with our GEBLU that little prayer before the battle says the batteries to Christmas, with conspicuously little prayer come true "nature in turmoil."
Do not tell me nothing, but if we talk about ecology, here we are also talking of colonialism slightly (and I do not mean that perpretato mica from the bad!)
and now we speak of the immense presumption of Cameron for an entire movie that is not self-quotations ... but please
therefore, speak calmly ...
Films like Star Wars and Indiana Jones are nothing more than gifts that Lucas and the Jew have done to the novels and films they grew up (star wars is a continuous and hidden quote) but in that case are so well mixed that the viewer perceives say it often without realizing Contact (27 years and I just read on the internet I realized that the basic structure of Star Wars and the Wizard of Oz, have thrush)
In no avatars, quotes are obvious within the limits of scopiazzatura: without disturbing balla and Sheena Queen of the jungle (but that's the same movie!) I think the average viewer now when he hears the speech braveheart thinks "you have arrived late cat, wallace merely pitta half blue face "or when the cat finally makes Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (but there are 300, not surprisingly, other times eh) ... and we want to talk about helicopters at sunset?
but even more unbearable are the citations! Cameron as he wrote it probably slipped a finger in her ass and enjoyed so much: the terminator pseudoelicotteri left the garage, the cells cryogenic aliens (the same shot, with lots of Ripley), the ridiculous music titanic with the text alternative (and we want to talk about the player "who can fly well?)
And then I say ... do not open the fridge to the weaver!! (but does Michelle Rodriguez) ... You're crazy, you played a real quote!
Let's talk about the things that made me do big laughs (in the movie of The Simpsons hardly ever laughed)
the hysterical scene of the cat (AAHAHHAHAHAHAHA ).... but we understand ... and thank goodness that there are "alien customs" ... certain tribes in Africa and the Amazon are much more original
the scene of "mass" ... I was bent over, and I could not stand the fact that they were so in tune! but james fuck ... a minimum of irony, the old women in America do not sing "people in your travel?
In any case ... I would like briefly to point out one thing ...
There is a novel ... that at this point is probably the most influential science fiction novel of all time
Is there a planet around the desert, where there is a substance for which all are crazy, the whole universe to drill for slaughtering this planet, this planet has its strong indigenous living in harmony with it and revere the giant worms that live there, the exploiter of the moment has a son who ends up in their midst, this guy is first accepted and then gradually becomes a kind of messiah, acquire their identities, their traditions, even riding the worm as a final test of belonging to the people, guerrilla war begins to make the exploiters, the final battle "usul called the largest one, called shai ulud" that is the uncomfortable Vermona bigger, make their megabattaglia hunt and eventually all become true rulers of their world ...
No really ... possible that no one noticed that Dune is still there ...
greet you, Go and see, in 2D and save yourself a headache, but with a light heart of those Sunday afternoon in full belly is about to enjoy his fantastic filmettino youth and do not tell me anything, I rather ride Palummella an improbable four-colored wings, I prefer riding a completely different beast
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