I personally am speechless after seeing "Inglourious Basterds" Tarantino's latest work of my beloved. A few times I came from a cinema with a look so satisfied (Gomorrah, another film which I believe is an absolute masterpiece, I've only seen in divx)
spoiler over fist ... let the favor of going first to see the film before read!
Forgive any mistakes and grammar as usual "to hell", reread it for good!
begin first by the immediate aspects: this movie is exciting and fun.
There you take the script and easy laugh, and second, the improbability of the plot, for situations that would be created on and for the "flash of genius in surprise." We laugh a lot more than in all the comedies out in the last 10 years.
This movie is "pop" also will understand my greengrocer (mmm. .. maybe I'm exaggerating), taste and maybe laugh a little bit of arrogance will be walking the streets proclaiming himself a true connoisseur and lover of cinema Uncle Quentin ( try to do as many). (Needless to say, as in many of his films, there are filters, indicators, that distinguish the expert who improvised these things he adored, views, and magazines, sifting through sites on the Internet designed sites) without mentioning the
numerous "Tarantino" all made in the film I noticed how in the end the main theme of the film is "cinema as such" (say metacinema For some, the film that talks about the film) and included a not-too-veiled satire on the Hollywood scene (you do not talk about that night gala of "fitness for the red carpet," but also "important people" looking smug improbabilissima projected the film). Much more than kill bill film speaks for itself: many of the dialogues about cinema (tedesco. jew ..), the film is about the same projection as the main theme and the final scene in which "Nazism" seen as denial of artistic freedom is literally burned to know a lot of films in revenge deliberately superficial sauce (Hitler had to burn the books).
The thing that I really liked it than ever this time, Tarantino does not take himself seriously: his side emerge caciarone and certainly do not care to create a masterpiece, it was absolutely in his intentions.
Its my opinion is a return to "do movies for fun" that was a bit typical of the first Lucas and Spielberg (the two cursed ruin of films!) Without expecting to create a sort of pathos and epic quality that frankly he had broken his balls (except in some, I want, where we presented the skits that are "squares 30 years" or when, for brief moments, the screen is tinged with that apes is an epic Sergio Leone, but who also wants to say, "Look, I could do that too).
And while we're talking about the references to "spettacolarizzante" popular culture: some characters introduced with jingle as a kind of star, to the "historical figures" listed by scritturina in pencil on the video.
One aspect is excellent in my opinion, the perfect construction of some scenes in which moments desecrating merge without a clear distinction to moments of great tension, masterfully rendered by quoting the great masters. The talkative tarantino dialogue, real trademark of his films, in practice, he discovers a new and incredible size, stirring with literally everything absolutely fine collegiate (the scene in the tavern for me is really the climax). And not
These scenes make "ridiculous" as you do? We use a group of actors literally science fiction, for me, even if they tear the good version of Brad Pitt and comic mustache (which for almost a whole movie quotes himself in Ocean's Eleven! ... If not a My impression is a genius worthy of John Travolta that plump evokes the ancient glories of the "Saturday Night Fever" in pulp fiction). The Nazi officers, the SS, the neo-soldier father and the "war hero" are more or less absolutely incredible.
A bow to the hunter of Jews ... a significant figure both luciferin (even when completely ruin the whole deal with the savoir strangled hysterical that gives a minimum of humanity to the character) that annihilates hitler (here reduced to a naughty child.)
Another aspect that I like to look good is the greatest interest to the "nationality" that emerges in several parts.
more apparent as the "projectionist" black in a certain way is the perpetrator of the end of the Third Reich, the Jewish girl who is plotting revenge (ah.. This bride), brad pitt half Indian (collecting scalps) and with an Italian name (and the brilliant idea "let's also the Italians", "yes yes, it seems incredibly fucked up, but now the mission must go on then let's try") but also more subtle as the frequent use of foreign languages \u200b\u200bsometimes sometimes subtitled no (brilliant, even if it is inspired by Cronenberg's Eastern Promises) that allow you to distinguish the good points of view of the characters, you need to know what is good and that it is not known even from the perspective of the viewer. Like Pulp Fiction
the food steals the scene and is often cited as a reason for wanting even racial distinction (the Germans eat sauerkraut and wurstell, the cream is introduced on the strudel at a time when the blacks are mentioned, the milk in the case of Jews)
How Not to mention the metaphors of the mouse and king kong? Just as the way in which "the English are the third hand"
speak now of the thing that most amused me: the search for Quotation and teasing films
Quentin is famous for his "riflullare in his own way" in various kinds sauce delusional but this time he literally exaggerated (but with grace and love for the films "scrambled" and always with great irony). It seems like a puzzle game of the week: I wanted to see the movie with some of my colleagues to make a competition to see who was the most citations in a giant "sharpen his sight."
Allow me to list those who think I've found:
teasing Various
initial Brad Pitt's speech to his soldiers, and bombastic part metaphorical, almost to the braveheart and is not expected that his promises of war movies (the scalps ...) are finally really put into practice with meticulous precision
The scene of the scalp as well as the engraving of the swastika are you a quote for various movie world of the 70 pregnant with morbidity but also a model teasing films Saw, Hostel (Eli Roth Of which, the bear is a director jew!), which provides much evidence in the truculence and the splatter from morbid snuff
The legendary tavern scene, with the game dell'indovina the character (I swear I was in tears with laughter when the ' I've seen) is aping the movies (and real life moments such as the spectacle of poker on TV but maybe this is my opinion) "pussy where people play cards and drink whiskey because it is cool" and where the game itself becomes the backbone of the film and stands as a metaphor of life "(a bit like playing football for the freedom of flight for vitttoria
The obvious tributes to both the" 70's war movie "that the spy story ( even the most unlikely of James Bond: I see much the thing we "do something absurd, that we are in Sicily)
Citations: Sergio Leone
course from the outset: first floor, open fields, music" in the foreground "dialogue from spaghetti westerns and direct quotes from his imaginary
Brad Pitt who quotes himself in Ocean's Eleven
course, the godfather, also seen in the forms referred to themselves in the collective and deliberately
ridiculed the time the owner of the cinema "is trick", which is identical to the moments of action movies where the hero prepares to turn the "weapons" (Quentin Tarantino act of love to the woman's figure, even in this film hero of the story without blemish)
coupled with the incredible Cinderella tarantino fetish (AHAHAHAHAH)
(!!!) The Odyssey: the signal you barred the doors and that the slaughter of suitors
Saving Private Ryan : propaganda films in the beautiful, just like the sniper
the officer in the tavern (very good) seems to me a version of some Nazi remiscelata indiana jones
The bodies of the girl to the ground and the "main character" you are "final scene of 300" (quoted in turn by the victims of the sniper), but I think it can be a quote of something else that I missed (oddio!! in fact I came to mind a scene from the film "firefox fire fox clint eastwood ... two Jewish spies die at exactly the same way) And
fenech .... and also Enzo G. Castellari, creator of" Inglorious Bastards " , present as an extra (which obviously I have not noticed ... I do not know)
The "final destruction" of the film reminded me at times in the destruction of Casabianca Independence Day ... I hope so! would be brilliant the parallel
The scenes during the massacre they do as "vintage horror movies" with a evil grin in the flames (which I would say is also the horror sam raimi evil dead)
The mexican standoff hyena
The Nazi (and its requirements that are pretentious so "that criminal hostage forward requests, but in a bureaucratic) eventually delivered to the Americans like Sean Connery in Hunt for Red October
but now I keep the real" orgasm of quotations, something that frankly left me open mouth: these things happen in a few minutes
1) of the fake Sicilians take the weapons out of the bathroom as the godfather
2) one of them kills the first guard as the first murder of Don Vito Corleone (gun Hidden nell'asciugamano)
3) the other runs with a knife in a scene almost identical to the final of "untouchables"
4) hitler riddled with bullets as tony montana (= hitler tony montana ... ahhahaha)
5) a falls, riddled by shots, in an octagonal pool more like the final scene of scarface
6) the ardor with which Eli Roth machine gun the audience from the balcony is once again tony montana
7), the slow motion during the rain of fire with the hissing of bullets again Saving Private Ryan
not received the
the sudden image of her announcing her revenge
the residue of his image in the smoke, with the screen now burned
names printed on the cards!
and the wonderful thing is that there will be even more ... more or less hidden
Concudendo just want to mention that once upon a time in France "...
World War II and becomes pure fantasy for me is a little star wars
Following the system Morandini I would say three and a half stars!
apart from the so commonplace that I had not noticed the great dictator, I had a strange feeling when the Germans speak of "German cinema" ... will probably be my impression but I could not help but think of the second tragic fantozzi ... the scene in the end has more a similarity ...
scenes "typical tarantino" are obviously present: the shot "fast food" recovery "from the inside of a boot" although it lacks the car ... lacks the reddish light in the basement and first floor with his back but it is likely that he has not noticed
Lello pointed out an old war movies where they discover a spy by his American way of eating (in this case the way in which the false German is the third hand)
memories of torture typical of films about Vietnam veterans that affect contacts even light (the scene in the tavern, the butcher of Nazis)
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