Monday, December 3, 2007

Make Toy Boat Propeller

It always rains in the wet

100% increase in the municipal income tax nell'aliquota

If we have to let us give the numbers right!
The personal income tax (I mpost on R eddito of PE rsone F ISIC) and 'a tax on reddito.In "block" means that just because you have to pay that money you're making. Of this tax, the city of residence even if they take a slice, even if small.
Until yesterday it was 0.2%, since new plaice 'to 0.4% means that doubles !
The figure is not 'high for luck (Personally from about 3.5 € / month should I switch to 7 € / month), but 'it bothers me that those who ultimately takes her to that place are always the same people ... and after a bit' and not 'more' so nice! Why
'administration and' come to such a choice? Why
'from what I understand part of the revenue obtained by ICI will not come' to the common (and here some explanation from I'd love to, xke 'I did not understand their own well well well), and then the money will have 'get them out somewhere, if it wants to maintain the current standard of service ... At this point the choices were simple 2:
1) Increase the ICI (but with all the owners of houses (more 'than one) that there are Marchirolo know what a mess ...)
2) Increase the municipal surcharge IRPEF (out of 4 poor idiot who work from morning to night, and not even notice the decrease in their salary).
Politically and 'a great idea (no one will complain,' even 'cause few know that the increase in deduction and blame the city administration), but it bothers me' that you want to pass off as a democratic choice, when but not the e '. They pay this fee only
and only employees who work in Italy (public and otherwise) and the self-employed who pay taxes (and perhaps it 'was still someone to Marchirolo).
They are therefore exempt by the increase, the border who work in Switzerland and illegal workers. (Maybe wrong, but I knows, not even charged the companies, who instead pay the IRES)
Considering that the frontier Marchirolo there are quite a few ', and taking at least double that of their colleagues working in Italy , here I know that tale of Robin Hood who robbed the rich to give to the poor not gliel'hanno ever told.


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