Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Why Does My Cervical Mucus Looks Like Jello?

Controversy "Venghino, venghino"

"Venghino, venghino ladies and gentlemen"

Monday, June 11, 2007 at 21:00

at the multipurpose room (good dear old theater)

will be held the evening of settlement
the new town council.

They tell me the evening of the settlement would be the first city council the new administration, and then a city council in all respects.
This 'means that all rules apply to a municipal council, that' the only ones who could speak for themselves advisers (both majority and minority).
is up to the mayor to decide whether any member of the audience can 'take the floor.
So please, we're all people civilians, and remain so!
In any case I do not think the decisions are taken, but rather 'will be' presented the council, will be awarded the departments, and will set out the tasks the various components.
will probably be those that are exposed in principle the priority ' the new administration.
I'll be there ', as a humble viewer, I will take' notes and just find 'a moment of time I'll post' a post with a sub report of what 'and that' happened during the evening. The idea
, commitments permitting, and 'to do it for all councils.
I'll see you Monday '! Unfortunately

the information I get from word of mouth, by members of the minority, because 'there is no official source, they are the municipal offices, from which draw on the news.
As we succeed, we will try to do it, so 'x as we did this first city council.


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