Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chris Tomlin Marital Status

... The day after the settlement (2)

As promised here I am to tell you what 'and that' said Monday 'evening the night of arrival of a new municipal council.
Well, in principle they only spoke, the Mayor Cetrangolo and some members of the minority.
I intend to publish the pdf of the speech (which, however, are public documents filed in common). If some component another list would send the document (pdf, doc, rtf, odt, txt, anything goes) the issue of discourse 'with the others.

The evening 'was opened by the mayor talking about the election results, noting our heavy defeat, and, as they say in the youth "if they are pulled a little' .
I do not have the power and we can 'be, but' does not seem very sporting rage, and 's a bit like beating a as shit! (to paraphrase the legendary Paul Cevoli). Probably will be taken if the comments received on this blog (as if we were to write them!). Anyways 'send down' this too ...

E 'has been pointed out that in addition there are four women, and that never happened (hey, but 'we had five women on the list.), and e' was given them a beautiful bouquet.
I were running as weddings, and instead there will be nothing left ... evil single women in the room. But in all seriousness and
'was a nice gesture that I appreciated very much, I hope that their skills' are taken into account throughout the term.

I also appreciated the collaborative intentions in respect of the minority, I sincerely hope that the entire council could work in harmony , 'cause the resentments and low blows did not lead anywhere.
About this Monday 'evening There have been a bit 'of bickering, and I prefer to settle the question in two lines, just for the record. The representatives of our list would have few pebbles off the shoes, (attach 'the document to the more' soon) about the attacks received during the election campaign, it is not 'been welcomed by the majority, who replied, stating their reasons.
are trivial problems, now what 'and that' past 'the past, I prefer to think of the future.

Representatives of the list for the future of Marchirolo spoke about the responsibilities of the various advisers, and the possible incompatibility 'in relation to certain charges which should cover. (This we'll find out over time)

From the speech of the Mayor and I 'will be under the impression that' due to the priority 'to people, in all senses, from society, with the assistance, up to the needs of citizens should have every right to ask questions (and / or requests) and the same rights to receive answers (both affirmative and negative).
This makes me just like, 's what I wanted from the beginning, and we are here to remember and to give a hand to ensure that the common idea becomes reality'.

Declaration group "Tradition and Future."

Monday, June 11, 2007

Liberty Falls Collection

The day after the settlement ...

Last night and 'held the evening of arrival of a new municipal council, and now I'm here to tell you what and that 'success.
Unfortunately I need a little 'more' time to write a brief "relationship", so for today I will confine myself 'to bring back what are the tasks assigned to members of the new junta, as well as' the outcome of voting for the composition of the election and representatives of Marchirolo in Communities' Montana.
Now it 's a grim list, the more' forward I will try 'to make a simple summary page, clear and comprehensive, including contacts and maybe office hours and / or availability' in the dialogue.
I'll try, hoping not to attract the enmity of anyone, but especially trying to become a reality 'our ideal of communication and interaction with citizens.

Composition new municipal
Cetrangolo Peter Mayor President - General Affairs, Urban Planning, Human Resources, as well as' all other matters not expressly delegated to Councillors
Alberto Speroni Vice Mayor, as well as' Councillor delegation to: Budget, Taxes, relationships with the companies' subsidiaries
Giancarlo Renna Councillor delegation to: Road ', Security and Local Police, Commerce
Salvatore Parise Councillor delegation to: Public Works, Environment and Land Protection
Floris Esther Councillor delegation to: Citizens' Services, Communication and Participation
Leonardo Congiu Councillor delegation to: Coordination of social policies (work-young), relations with the institutions and culture
Odoni Michele Councillor delegation to: Promotion Planning, Youth and Relations with Associations
Bonadio Generoso Councillor delegation to: Social Policies (services for the elderly)
Councillor Patricia Fasulo No delegation
Brunelli Veronica Councillor delegation to: Social policies (children and adolescents), school policies and activities for children
Mauro Polidori Councillor delegation to: Co-ordination services (technical-maintenance)
Isabella Del Sole Councillor delegation to: Family policies, legal affairs and litigation.

were also defined the leaders of the various lists.

Majority Minority
Continue Marchirolo Tradition and Future for the Future Marchirolo
Isabella Del Sole Masters Massimo Licari Anthony

E 'was voted the Election Commission, being composed of:

Salvatore Parise
Officer (Owners) Leonardo Congiu Scarpelli Massimo
Substitutes (reserves) Mauro Polidori Giancarlo Renna Gemini John

Finally they were elected as Councillors in the Community 'in the town of Montana Marchirolo:

  • Cetrangolo Peter
  • Masters Leonardo Congiu Massimo

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Cancer And Uterine Polyp

In recent days, several controversies have arisen between the comments of this blog, and I feel duty-bound to clarify, also because 'and I' was explicitly asked by the outgoing Mayor (see comments to post "Venghino Venghino").

Per realizzare un sito come intendo io, e' necessario sostenere dei costi considerevoli , sia in termini economici, sia in termini di tempo e di lavoro.

Purtroppo non ho abbondanza di nessuna delle risorse (beh, no, per fortuna di lavoro ce n'e' fin troppo), quindi l'unica cosa che ho potuto realizzare a costo zero (in termini economici) con una buona dose di impegno e buona volonta' , e' stato questo blog, che tutto sommato non mi sembra affatto male. (poi e' un giudizio personale, ma per quello che e' costato e' finanche troppo bello :-) )

Prima delle elezioni era uno strumento per farci conoscere, ora, visto l'esito Bad of the ballot, and the intention 'to turn it into a place of confrontation of analysis of communication and especially information for citizens. Since I consider myself a good person, as I did until now, show 'the information in the most' transparent as possible.

I should point out, however, 'that a thing is the content of the blog, that' the various public posts that I and another are comments that can 'insert anyone.
Since we are in a democratic country and 'right for everyone to express their thoughts within the bounds of decency, and I do not want to arrogate the right to select comments good or bad. I have received criticism and attack Free unfounded and I, too, and I preferred to leave those comments and respond in a civil and constructive, rather than delete them, maybe someone who understands there 'still ... (and do not tell me that I am a dreamer!)
People with a little 'grain of salt understand that the comments from people who want to remain anonymous have different weights than those who expose themselves in person (like myself), but' is also true that some people protected by 'anonymity may withdraw from situations that would otherwise be difficult to surface.
With this I wish to state that we welcome criticism, as long as they are not ends in themselves, but that is constructive, otherwise it will remain ' everything as it is always'. If there are personal problems, not 'this is the place to discuss it.
I greet you with the hope of not having in the future, losing time to appease hearts, but to continue to invest the resources to do something useful and constructive.
Take care, see you Monday ' Camilliani the evening.

PS I though 'I'm happy to admit that there is this interest in the blog, it might mean that it can' serve really something.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Why Does My Cervical Mucus Looks Like Jello?

Controversy "Venghino, venghino"

"Venghino, venghino ladies and gentlemen"

Monday, June 11, 2007 at 21:00

at the multipurpose room (good dear old theater)

will be held the evening of settlement
the new town council.

They tell me the evening of the settlement would be the first city council the new administration, and then a city council in all respects.
This 'means that all rules apply to a municipal council, that' the only ones who could speak for themselves advisers (both majority and minority).
is up to the mayor to decide whether any member of the audience can 'take the floor.
So please, we're all people civilians, and remain so!
In any case I do not think the decisions are taken, but rather 'will be' presented the council, will be awarded the departments, and will set out the tasks the various components.
will probably be those that are exposed in principle the priority ' the new administration.
I'll be there ', as a humble viewer, I will take' notes and just find 'a moment of time I'll post' a post with a sub report of what 'and that' happened during the evening. The idea
, commitments permitting, and 'to do it for all councils.
I'll see you Monday '! Unfortunately

the information I get from word of mouth, by members of the minority, because 'there is no official source, they are the municipal offices, from which draw on the news.
As we succeed, we will try to do it, so 'x as we did this first city council.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Congratulations Engagement Wording


Since those VareseNews have included hundreds of numbers, a mistake we can 'be (nobody' s perfect) so 'x public transparency is a summary table of the outcome of the last municipal elections.
Based on these results will be 'established the new municipal council. In reality, 'there can be several variations, depending on the choices of the mayor and several councilors. The
only to find out evening of installation of the new junta, which is the first city council.
result 7
List No.3
Masters Massimo
422 List No.2
Cetrangolo Peter
989 List No.1
Anthony Licari
votes votes

Andriulo Francis 23 Bonadio Generoso 41 Annan Laila
Bio Paul 28 Brunelli Veronica 29 Biafora Joseph 7
Laura Bruno Tatjana 5 Leonardo Congiu 49 Caria Alessandro 8
Carozzi Paola 4 Isabella Del Sole 22 John Cufflinks 29
Castaldelli Cinzia 4 Giuseppe De Maria 14 Roberto Giunta 2
Cencini Francis 2 Patricia Fasulo 31 Antonio Grez 5
Cernuto Mario 23 Factors Paola 13 Ingardia Serafino 8
Ferratella Mauro 9 Floris Esther 50 Antonio Macchiavelli 8
Greek Ernesto 11 Guandalini Vincent said Renzo 18 Major Daniel 2
Lamberto Adriano 7 Odoni Michele 46 Mariano Franco 5
Gianni worked 5 Ernesto Parietti 21 Mazzitelli Toni 14
Legnani Marco 22 Salvatore Parise 50 Antonio Meloni 1
Moalli Ilaria 15 Mauro Polidori 29 Easter Bread 29
Scarpelli Massimo 40 Giancarlo Renna 74 Pantano Paola 10
Solera Stefano 8 Sgarlata Francis 11
Zolo Monica 13 Alberto Speroni 86
In red theorists components of the new city council